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Magento 1 vs Magento 2 Performance Benchmark

Today I will see what is faster: Magento CE 1.9 or Magento CE 2.1. I was inspired by this StackExchange question and by the Amasty team benchmark. Amasty compared Magento vs Magento 2.0.0. They found out that 1.9 is faster than 2.0. Now it is 2017 and Magento 2.1.4 and just came out so I decided to see if 1.9 still beats 2.1.

Disclaimer: I will be comparing Community Editions (CE).

I don't want to wait show me results now!



My setup is simple and could be replicated by others. I will use Amazon AWS EC2 instance. Here is the details:

  • Debian 8
  • Mysql 5.6.35
  • PHP-FPM 7.0.15
  • Nginx 1.10.3
  • c3.large instance
  • AMI debian-jessie-amd64-hvm-2017-01-15-1221-ebs (ami-94bdeef4)



Magento 2.1.4

The settings that I will use for Magento 2.1:

  • Production Mode
  • Theme - Luma
  • Merge Javascript files - Yes
  • Enable Javascript bundling - Yes
  • Minify Javascript files - Yes
  • Merge CSS files - Yes
  • Minify CSS files - Yes




The settings for Magento

  • Default install with Sample data
  • Theme: rwd/default
  • All cache enabled
  • Flat Catalog enabled for products and categories


Test Scenario

I will be using JMeter as load testing software. Scenario as follows: 50 concurrent users with ramp-up period of 10 seconds repeating 20 times. That comes down to 1000 requests. I will be using Mac Numbers 2D-Line chart so it will be linear extrapolation of CSV load test data.

I will be testing homepage, cart page with no items and customer login page. I won't be testing product/category pages as they might be subject to theme or data difference.


NO Full Page Cache

First we will test with Magento 2.1 Full Page Cache (FPC) off. I want to make 1.9 and 2.1 even because Magento CE 1.9.x doesn't have FPC by default.


1. Homepage


Magento vs 2.1.4 NO FPC Homepage Magento vs 2.1.4 NO FPC Homepage

Magento 1.9 is obviously faster. Here is some numbers:

Magento vs 2.1.4 NO FPC - Homepage Magento vs 2.1.4 NO FPC - Homepage



2. Cart Page

Magento vs 2.1.4 NO FPC Cart Page No Items Magento vs 2.1.4 NO FPC Cart Page No Items


Magento vs 2.1.4 NO FPC Cart Page No Items - Response Times Magento vs 2.1.4 NO FPC Cart Page No Items - Response Times



Yes Full Page Cache

No we will turn on Magento 2.1.4 FPC and will install the free Zoom FPC for Magento

Zoom FPC is an abandoned project but with a little magic you can make it work with 1.9.

For 2.1.4 I will be using built-in FPC:

Magento 2.1.4 built-in FPC Magento 2.1.4 built-in FPC

I will be using a built-in FPC.


1. Homepage

Magento vs 2.1.4 FPC Homepage Magento vs 2.1.4 FPC Homepage


Magento vs 2.1.4 - FPC - Homepage Magento vs 2.1.4 - FPC - Homepage

We see that Magento 1.9 with FPC beats Magento 2.1.4 FPC easily. Does it true for cart page? Let's see.


2. Cart Page

Magento vs 2.1.4 FPC Cart Page No Items Magento vs 2.1.4 FPC Cart Page No Items
Magento vs 2.1.4 - FPC - Cart Page No Items Magento vs 2.1.4 - FPC - Cart Page No Items


3. Customer login page

Magento vs 2.1.4 Customer Login Page FPC Magento vs 2.1.4 Customer Login Page FPC


Magento vs 2.1.4 Customer Login Page FPC Magento vs 2.1.4 Customer Login Page FPC


Magento beats Magento 2.1.4 with either FPC on or off. For Magento 1.9 FPC I was using this excellent free extension Zoom FPC.

Magento vs Magento 2.1.4 Benchmark Magento vs Magento 2.1.4 Benchmark


Do you have a different benchmark results? Share it comments!


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12 thoughts on “Magento 1 vs Magento 2 Performance Benchmark”
  • Felix Meyer October 2, 2024 at 5:37 am

    Thank you for sharing your precious knowledge. Just the right information I needed.

  • Kuldeep Singh Tomar August 30, 2023 at 8:12 am

    Awesome Content in This Blog!

  • Konstantin Gerasimov July 4, 2017 at 12:25 pm

    @Gabriel - try shopify

  • Gabriel July 4, 2017 at 6:19 am

    It's my experience too! Magento 2.1.x is much slower than Magento 1.9.3.x! - Thats a fact! - I realized that by installing on my root server and checked response time! - At first I thought, that the server configuration is not optimal, but everything was perfect. Then I compared and 2.1.7 and it was obvious, that Magento 2.1.7 had overall twice the response time than Magento - My conclusion is, that Magento 2.1.7 is really a cost factor, because you need more server performance to get the same response time!
    But this is a point, a startup my think of another shop system, that needs less recourses.
    What is your opinion about an alternative to Magento 2.1.x?

  • Konstantin Gerasimov May 15, 2017 at 7:40 pm

    zoom fpc is faster than lesti

  • Dennis May 14, 2017 at 10:24 pm


    Is there a reason you've used Zoom FPC instead of Lesli FPC which is much more popular and free as well?

  • Konstantin Gerasimov May 2, 2017 at 5:11 pm

    @developer - I explained how I get these results. You are welcome to repeat the steps I took and report the results you get.

  • developer April 24, 2017 at 1:58 pm

    How you get this resuls? I've tested magento 2.1.6 without varnish with sample data products and first bit on home page I got in 90 ms. I.m testing on my home PC with HDD and and fx8230 and you are testing on server

  • Konstantin Gerasimov February 15, 2017 at 5:23 am

    @Matt magento 2 doesn't require fpc when developing - what a non sense!

    I am testing TTFB - and that is the only thing that matters in my benchmark.

    "Both solutions tested do not indicate whether the FPC is actually working" - yes they do - just compare TTFB to the ones without FPC.

  • Matt Johnson February 14, 2017 at 6:11 pm

    Im seeing a few more test methodology / setup issues:

    Magento 1 CE doesnt require an FPC, It's design to work without one (Though can be improved with one)

    Magento 2 requires Varnish Cache in production (And FPC when developing), Magento 2 isnt designed to work without a caching layer.

    Your tests are only requesting the HTML document (not any static assets) so you are not seeing an actual users page load and the settings around minification, combining files are not doing anything as these files are not being requested.

    Both solutions tested do not indicate whether the FPC is actually working, Most FPC implementations are failures as there are no metrics on what's missing cache.

  • Konstantin Gerasimov February 13, 2017 at 2:50 pm


    with a little hacking you can make Zoom work with 1.9 no problem
    you can patch 1.9 to work with php7, it is still 1.9

    where does c4 come from? I am using c3 as it is stated in the article. It is also stated that i run m1 and m2 on the same aws box. I keep m1 and m2 in separate folders and with a simple nginx edit i change between them.

    i have done NO configuration to neither M1 nor M2. out of the box installs as I have stated.

  • Steve Holdoway February 13, 2017 at 2:14 pm

    Problems with this...

    - Zoom is no longer supported, and only purports to support Magento up to v. 1.6
    - PHP 7 is not supported for Magento 1.9
    - c4 instances are faster than c3, and tend to use a different infrastructure
    - where are you running the tests from? If locally then there's added stress from the testing and no exervising of the network
    - configuration. What have you done to speed up database, php, system?

    For me the last is the most important. It's clear that the bottlenecks that you're seeing are outside the variables of the test.